GST council increases compliance on the tax payer for the first 2 months of July and August 2017

On 18th June 2017, the GST council met for the 17th time and decided as follows
a) GST shall be launched from midnight of 30th June 2017.
b) A new form shall be filed by the tax payer in GSTR 3B which shall be an aggregate return for July and August to be filed on 20th August and 20th September 2017 respectively. The tax payer is required to pay taxes and give a self declaration for the data filed in GSTR – 3B. This is an additional requirement to be complied by the tax payer.
c) The normal GSTR-1 returns for July and August shall also be filed on 5th September and 20th September respectively.
d) 6 rules including anti profiteering have been cleared.
e) The taxes for lotteries and for hotels having tariff beyond 7500/- per day have been fixed.
The next GST council meeting will be on 30th June 2017.

It may also be noted that the migration window which closed on 15th of June shall reopen on the 25th of June.

Previous Limit for Composition Dealer increased from 50 lakhs to 75 lakhs; Tax rates reduced for 66 items.
Next All states except J&K pass SGST Bill to keep date with July 1, 2017